Multiprocess: Our extensive catalogue of heads, devices and solutions enables a wide range of machining operations: Turning, milling, boring, OD /ID grinding, burnishing and fine machining, deep hole drilling, CNC facing, hobbing, others under request.
Productivity: The automatic machining device and tool changing systems enable different machining process with capabilities that math specifically oriented machines without any need to manipulate parts. High productivity can therefore be achieved minimizing the time needed to clamp parts and change machining devices and tools.
Specialization: Our application engineering, our R+D team and and our technological alliances, allow us to create the machine that our clientes need.
Precision: Geminis multiprocess lathes are manufactured according to the highest quality standars, on the most robust estructure of the market, wich allows achieving the most demanding requeriments during the entire life of the machine. Carrying out all machining process with a single clamping operation, as well as the incorporation of different control and compensation technologies, minimizes geometric errors and enables high precision.